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Cheetos Crunchy Wild White Cheddar

Taste: These cheese curls had the same sorts of irregular shapes as the original fluorescent orange Cheetos Crunch, but with a pale yellow overall color. It looked like the corn-based curls themselves were yellow, but the parts where the cheese powder had stuck were just about white. The taste was excellent, an extremely delicious mix of toasted corn and white cheddar. I could seriously eat the whole bag in one sitting if I were not careful.
Cheetos Crunchy Mozzarella

Taste: Mozzarella cheese is not among the types of cheeses that I expect to go well on a snack. Most of the time when I'm eating mozzarella, it's on top of a pizza, in baked ziti or or as part of mozzarella sticks as a deep-fried appetizers at a chain restaurant. I've never really thought of mozzarella as a stand-alone cheese. (I'm sure many people eat mozzarella by itself, but I'm just not one of those people.) So classifying the taste on these Cheetos was hard. The taste wasn't horrible, but it was not awesome either. The saving grace was that these were still Crunchy Cheetos, so the crunchy nature of the core snack was still there. These also tasted saltier than the regular Crunchy Cheetos.
Cheetos Crunchy Double Cheese

Taste: These were a lot like regular Cheetos Crunchy but with lots more bright orange "cheese" powder on them, as if they've doubled the amount of cheese that they put on the Cheeto. If you are concerned about the orange powder getting on your fingers, have a napkin handy, because you're definitely going to get some powder runoff. From a taste perspective, I couldn't tell that much of a difference between a regular Cheeto and this "double cheese" version, other than a slight extra cheese taste. For me, the crunchy part of the Cheeto is more enjoyable than the cheese powder anyway, so having more cheese powder isn't really that appealing.
Cheetos Crunchy Cheesy Enchilada

Taste: This latest variety of Cheetos was an excellent addition to the Cheetos lineup. The enchilada-flavored pieces had the same shape and texture as the regular Cheetos Crunchy, but you could see some darker red spots on the otherwise orange pieces from the different seasoning. The flavor was just great, with lots of cheese, great spices and just enough kick of heat to make it hard to stop eating these. They were not nearly as hot as the Chicago-style hot cheese curls from Vitner's and Jays, but they were still extremely tasty. Three cheers for Chester Cheetah!
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